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When I was 22, I worked at a car wash. One Sunday, while I was working, I wondered if life could offer me something better. The owner of the gas station came to have his car washed and told me about a great opportunity with a company called 4Life. Even though I was so young, I had the courage to make a decision that would change my life forever.
I grew up in Puerto Rico where many young people become addicted to drugs. When I was 17, a neighbor said something to my mother that caught my attention, “Watch, he’ll be worse than his brothers.” That day, I made the decision to walk a different path. I just hoped with all my heart that I’d find an opportunity that would help me make a better life for myself. I feel so grateful that I found the 4Life opportunity just a few years later. All we need to make permanent, positive changes in our lives is an opportunity, and every man and woman on earth receives a life-changing opportunity at some point in their lives. When this opportunity finally arrives, there will be thousands of reasons not to take it, but it’s important that you find just one reason in your heart why you should, and then take it and give it your all.
My first year with 4Life was very exciting. On many occasions, I’d wash someone’s car during the day, and then be a guest in their house later that evening, where I’d tell them about 4Life’s products and the business opportunity.
Two years after joining 4Life, I arrived in Colombia so that I could participate in 4Life’s vision and assist in blessing this beautiful country and thousands of individuals living here who are hungry for an opportunity. In the beginning it was difficult because I lived in a rented room in a house with 12 occupants who all used the same bathroom.
Today, thanks to God and 4Life, I own a good car, my family lives in one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in Bucaramanga, and together we travel the world. We're able to do this because, in the beginning, I believed that this opportunity would help me achieve a better life. We enjoy our financial freedom and the time that we’re able to spend with our children, Joel Alejandro and Valiera. Having time for them is great parenting in every sense of the word.
© 2025 4Life Trademarks, LLC, ForLife Research, S.R.L.
La información en este sitio se aplica solamente en los Estados Unidos.
1Estudio clínico sobre la rapidez de los efectos moduladores inmunitarios de 600 mg de 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor Formula en comparación con un placebo. G. Jensen, NIS Labs Report 058-006. (En inglés).
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