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I come from a close-knit family. I have good parents, who, despite their lack of education, taught their children to work hard and be honest. As I grew older, I began to feel overwhelmed by thoughts of poverty. Little by little these thoughts created strong feelings of doubt and frustration about my future.
One blessed day my Aunt Ana Isabel, for whom I will always be grateful, told me about 4Life. I joined without hesitation. I got the money to buy my first 100 LP worth of products. I had no idea that one decision would transform my life so completely. I found one of the most powerful teams of professionals in the networking industry, the International Networkers Team, who began to equip, empower, guide, and expand my vision. Today, after four years of hard work, I have become a successful entrepreneur. I thank my friend and mentor, Gold International Diamond Giovanni Perotti, for believing in me and for his influence in my life.
I am thankful for all of the support I have received from my parents and my brothers in creating a successful 4Life business. I thank each of my leaders in Huila and in the rest of Colombia.
I am happy to be achieving my dreams and have helped my father retire from his job as a mechanic. Today, my parents are my right hand in the logistics of my organization. I travel the world, drive my dream car, have financial independence, and am able to help many people achieve their dreams. This is the best part of my success.
You can be the next successful entrepreneur of the 21st century! It's just a matter of action, conviction, and time.
© 2025 4Life Trademarks, LLC, ForLife Research, S.R.L.
La información en este sitio se aplica solamente en los Estados Unidos.
1Estudio clínico sobre la rapidez de los efectos moduladores inmunitarios de 600 mg de 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor Formula en comparación con un placebo. G. Jensen, NIS Labs Report 058-006. (En inglés).
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