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I was born as the only daughter in a family of four children. I’m a naval engineer and I worked at a shipyard. In 2004, I was introduced to 4Life by my sponsor, Gold International Diamond Maris Dreimanis. At that time, I had no serious health problems. I had financial stability because I had a high-paying job and my husband led a large company.
However, I could see that the world was changing and I realized that a job was no longer a guarantee of financial stability. I was concerned that in the future, if I had to rely on a pension, I would be in poverty.
When I learned about 4Life, I fell in love with the product and the company. I felt that my future was with this company. And I wasn’t mistaken. I spent the next six years building my 4Life business on the side. In 2010, I retired from my career so that I could focus on my 4Life business.
Thanks to 4Life, my life is much more vibrant. I live in my own house, and with the cash prize I received through the President’s Club, I was able to buy a new car. During the past ten years, I’ve been able to travel to America six times. My husband and I qualified for a Great Escape trip to Bali. We also went on a cruise to the Caribbean islands. My business partner and I went to Phuket, Thailand and also went on a cruise in the Mediterranean Sea.
4Life is a real opportunity that gives millions of people the ability to make a positive difference in the world while achieving a better quality of life. I love sharing this wonderful opportunity. People should know that by working with 4Life, they can live a fuller life that enables them to be happy and help others. Together with 4Life, we can make the world a better place!
© 2025 4Life Trademarks, LLC, ForLife Research, S.R.L.
La información en este sitio se aplica solamente en los Estados Unidos.
1Estudio clínico sobre la rapidez de los efectos moduladores inmunitarios de 600 mg de 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor Formula en comparación con un placebo. G. Jensen, NIS Labs Report 058-006. (En inglés).
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