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I’ve always looked for opportunities, but before learning about 4Life, I had a typical full-time job. I was certain that there were better income alternatives and that’s when I began the search that led me to network marketing. I knew I was on the right path as I noticed the world’s economic trends, and I knew that I needed an opportunity that would change my life. My search became more earnest after both my wife and I lost our jobs. We sank into debt and I began to feel desperate as our family began to disintegrate and my health started to decline. I asked God to help me, so that I could provide for my family and for our future.
One day in the mail I received an invitation from Gold International Diamond Enrique Balboa to learn about 4Life. The energy of the people at the meeting filled me with excitement and I decided to join the company. It has become the most important project of my life. I have invested faith and maintained a committed attitude as I share this great opportunity with the people I love. Although 4Life products weren’t yet registered for sale in Mexico, we prepared for them to arrive by holding meetings and growing our team. 4Life entered Mexico a year later and Platinum International Diamond Dr. Herminio Nevárez came to mentor our team. It was exactly what I needed to move forward so that I could achieve my dreams.
It was a wonderful day when I accomplished the rank of Presidential Diamond. I was beginning to realize my dreams, and the dreams of my family. I was able to get out of debt and get my house back. And now, since achieving the rank of International Diamond, I’ve been able to realize even more dreams!
© 2025 4Life Trademarks, LLC, ForLife Research, S.R.L.
La información en este sitio se aplica solamente en los Estados Unidos.
1Estudio clínico sobre la rapidez de los efectos moduladores inmunitarios de 600 mg de 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor Formula en comparación con un placebo. G. Jensen, NIS Labs Report 058-006. (En inglés).
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